Volunteer Registration is now open!
Greetings FOHIs!
Thank you to the nearly 60 people that have signed up to volunteer already! That’s a great start. But we do still have a few weeks in need of volunteers. Adam likes to have at least 6-8 people signed up for each session to ensure that everyone gets at least one meal off each day and to account for anyone that falls ill or can no longer attend. Currently, we could use some more people for the early weeks of camp: Spring Migration, Puffin Exploration, and Joy of Birding. We could also use some more sign-ups from local people that can come for one day or meal on short notice (ie., Desperados).
We have a new, super-easy, secure online form system (with a HIPAA-compliant health history) that some of the Spring Opening Work Week volunteers tested out this past week with great success! If you’ve signed up to be a volunteer for a different week, we will be sending you a welcome email with the form link over the next month. Keep your eye out and if you don’t receive it by the end of March, let us know.
So far, the winter has been smooth on the island, with some good snow, but no damaging winds or tides… although today we are expecting 50 mph gusts! The team at 12 Audubon Rd has been working hard to ensure a fantastic 2025 Camp Season. The camps are filling up nicely, with openings still in some sessons: Photography, Joy of Birding, Educator’s Week, and Birds of Maine Islands. Did you know that this year they are adding a camp for Mindful Birding, and another for the LGBTQ+ community? Be sure to check out their incredible schedule online.
Audubon is also working through applications and interviews to create a fantastic team of full-time and seasonal employees this year. If you know of someone interested in the following positions, they are still accepting new applicants, and people can apply here.
- Facilities Coordinator (FT)
- Senior Office Assistant (FT)
- Head Chef (PT)
- Sous Chef (PT)
- Kitchen Assistant (PT)
- Camp Assistant (PT)
Most importantly, we want to thank you for an incredibly successful year in 2024! FOHI is in a great financial position for this year, and your continued donations are truly important to the Hog Island Camp. Our annual report and appeal will be coming out this spring like usual, so you can see how your donations are being used.
As the days start to get brighter, and hopefully warmer too, let’s look forward to another spectacular summer on the Hog Island, soaking up nature’s beauty and making memories with friends new and old.
Sincerely yours,
Deana Cavan
Executive Director
Calling all Photographers!
Learn to take amazing photos like this one by Instructor Loren Merrill at Hog Island Audubon’s Photography of Maine Birds and Landscapes Camp, May 25-30! Sign up today.
FOHI Merch for the upcoming summer season
New direct ship FOHI merchandise is now available! For each order you place, Bonfire sends FOHI a donation of approximately 25% the cost of the product. Thank you for not only giving back through your purchase, but also for spreading the word about FOHI by sporting your merchandise around town.
Monthly Donors Needed
One thing we could really use more of this year is monthly donors. It’s quite easy to sign up to give a monthly gift on our website and become a “sustaining member.” To be able to rely on a consistent source of automatic funding, would make FOHI even stronger than it already is! Become a monthly donor on our website. Even small amounts add up! And our monthly donors will all receive an annual gift and recognition.