FOHI Updates

Mid-Summer Update from Hog Island

Dear FOHIs,

It’s been a wonderful summer on Hog Island. The weather is certainly more pleasant than last year, although quite hot at times–even for Maine! Our volunteers have been showing up in full force, ready to get their hands dirty and working hard to keep the camp functioning like a fine-tuned machine. Adam has been on island all summer, guiding the volunteer operation like a pro.

We’ve had great feedback from the volunteers through our new online survey. If you have volunteered, but did not get a chance to fill out a survey, you can do so here: Volunteer Survey. And if you haven’t had a chance to volunteer yet, you still can sign up! We are looking for a few more kind souls to show up for the Birds of Maine Islands week, Sept 1-6. Reach out to Adam if you can help out.

On June 20th, the final evening of the Field Ornithology and Coastal Bird Studies for Teens Camps, we gathered on the island with the campers, instructors, FOHIs, and Audubon staff to present our annual gift of $50,000 for the camp’s operating expenses. It was a joyous night–despite some raindrops and threatening thunder–and we devoured a delicious feast of lobster, oyster, and chowder, celebrated Guillemot Appreciation Day, and cherished our Cream Puffins with Hog Island friends.

But the most meaningful part of the night was honoring Juanita Roushdy, our founding president, with a plaque acknowledging the role she and the Friends of Hog Island have played in supporting the camp, forever fixed on the Fish House for all visitors of Hog Island to see.

Our annual appeal went out in late May, and we are so grateful for all the donations received thus far. If you have not had a chance to send in an annual donation, no worries, you can do so via check or online. If you’d like to give to Juanita’s scholarship fund, please know that our operating fund takes priority, so please consider that when giving. If you’d like a portion of your donation to go towards the scholarship fund, you can request that by replying to this email.

I know it’s only just August, but we’re thinking ahead to September. The FOHI work week is taking place from September 22-27. We would love to see you there. There are lots of projects to be done, and I’m sure camp facilities director Eric Snyder’s wheels are already turning on how to maximize our efforts! And be sure grab your Desperados gear before then (scroll down). A portion of your purchase is a donation to FOHI.

Wishing you cool breezes and sunny days,

Deana Cavan
Executive Director

Birds & Beans Coffee Gives Back to FOHI

Coffee drinkers…

Make sure the coffee you’re drinking is kind to the ecosystem by ordering from Birds and Beans with the code FOHI24. Using this code will give you a 5% discount and 5% of your order will be donated to FOHI at the end of the year.

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