FOHI Updates

Spring 2024 News

Dear fans and supporters of FOHI,

I hope you take a moment to read through our 2023-2024 Annual Report. We put a lot of thought and care into the new design and content this year. And I want to express my gratitude for contributions and editing provided by Scott Weidensaul, our President, and Juanita Roushdy, our Founder, and photographs by Jean Hall. We hope you take a moment to read Scott’s opening letter, review our financial viability and new board members, peruse the lists of incredible donors and volunteers, and catch up on our collaborations with Audubon (see more below about the Maine Preservation Award received for the Queen Mary project). Also, don’t miss the sections honoring Juanita and one of our most valuable volunteers, Helen Walsh, and remembering Maggie Smith and Tom Johnson.

Click to download The Guillemot

Starting next week, Hog Island will be open for business! Thanks to all the amazing FOHI donors, volunteers led by Adam Dinuovo, and Audubon’s Eric Snyder’s fast and skilled response, we are able to access the island on time this spring. Hog Island staff will be arriving next week, and FOHI work week will begin as scheduled, on May 12th. There are still several storm-related projects that will be tackled by the 35 FOHI volunteers that are expected to attend. If you suddenly are feeling the call to help, but didn’t sign up, you can still do so here: VOLUNTEER SIGN UP. If you are signed up already, you should have received an email from Adam to fill out our Volunteer Contract and Health History Form. All volunteers for the summer can now complete the required contract online here: VOLUNTEER CONTRACT. Please print out our HEALTH HISTORY FORM and mail it in or bring to camp.

Thank you for continuing to show up for the Hog Island Camp. We are so grateful to all our constituents, near and far. I look forward to meeting many of you this summer in Maine!

With appreciation,
Deana Cavan
Executive Director

Maine Preservation Award for the Queen Mary Project

On March 21st, we gathered in Bath, ME to accept the Maine Preservation Award for the Queen Mary project. FOHI was represented by JB Smith (board member) and Deana Cavan (executive director). Click on the image above to read about the project.
Click on the video above to watch Maine Preservation's description of the project for the award ceremony. It's an incredible example of how FOHI and Audubon have worked together to acheive great things.