From David Klinger
We’re looking forward to seeing “Friends of Hog Island” volunteers, new and not-so-new, at our upcoming “Work and Learn” session June 12-17! We’ve got a long list of projects to tackle as we prepare to help Hog Island wake from its winter slumber, in anticipation of our best summer yet! Seth Benz tells me registrations are running ahead of many previous years, so we think 2005’s going to be a great year for the Audubon Camp in Maine. It’s time to get ready!
Gardeners, there’s a long list of the usual things to do around our mainland visitors center and caretakers cottage, and at the island hummingbird garden. Trail crews, we’ll be removing winter windfalls and posting more trail signage. Carpenters, there’s more construction to complete in the wash house. Our mainland boathouse needs organizing and, of course, there’ll be a summer’s worth of supplies and food to load and unload dockside. (I’ll wager Seth’s “to do” list will be even longer by the time we convene for our first dinner by Chef Janii on Sunday night!)
Naturally, it won’t all be work. Tom Schaefer’s been busy researching camp history and he’s got some fascinating Hog Island anecdotes and stories to tell. (Does anyone know the real reason why bird instructor Roger Tory Peterson only lasted a year at the Audubon Camp?) This winter, I’ve been scooping up some early Hog Island historical finds on ebay myself, and I’ll bring them along, too. Weather permitting, we’ll take a half-day boat trip out to Eastern Egg Rock, too, after our regular early morning bird walks.
We’re dedicating our 2005 FOHI “Work and Learn” week to our dear friend, the late Bart Cadbury. We’ll honor and remember him with our fellowship, our stories, and our fond memories, as we celebrate his continuing influence over this island.
We’ll see you on the dock!