FOHI’s Continuing Mission

Over the winter of 1999-2000, the Friends of Hog Island accomplished a few important steps toward our aim of furthering interest among alumni and friends for support of the Audubon Camp in Maine. Hard-working volunteers progressed with development of a FOHI web-site, produced the Across the Narrows newsletter, developed a brochure regarding alumni and development issues of FOHI to distribute to “graduating” campers, updated the address list (now over 1400 entries), and began plans for the July 22-24, 2000 annual FOHI meeting at Hog Island.

The Audubon Camp needs our support, not only in a general, philosophical way, but in concrete ways as well.

Of course, the biggest development of the season has been the evolution of the relationship between the National Audubon Society and the Maine Audubon Society, and the changes in administration and support of the camp brought about by their now “seamless” organization. Personally, I am supportive of the process so far, and excited about the opportunities their merger will provide for growth and productivity of the camp. With the cooperation that is developing between FOHI and the Maine Audubon Society, I am confident that FOHI will grow in such a way as to coordinate its efforts in alumni communication and development with parallel efforts underway in Maine.

The Audubon Camp needs our support, not only in a general, philosophical way, but in concrete ways as well. We have lots of opportunities to discover how we all can lend a hand to helping the camp and its staff into the next millenium.